Early ambulation is recognized and is rapidly approaching a "must" procedure following a sugical operation. The practice of having patients walk as soon as possible after surgery constituted a major change in patient care, based on the new evidence of the exercise and its positive impact on patient recovery. However, the existing healthcare environment still remains backwards on both the hardware and software sides.

These three preliminary concepts, each focuses on a specific area either on the patients' side or on the caregivers's. But we felt that something is missing.
After further investigation, we realized that the patients and the caregivers should work as a Team. And to make that happen, we believe Information is the key. We decided to design a new post-operative ambulation healthcare system, including a portal with more intuitive user interface and easier access, and an activity tracking device. 

Product Design
We believed this device shuold not only allow the caregivers to better monitor patients' conditions, but also make the patients' lifes easier by removing the "barbed wires". In addition, it should give the patients feedback and tips about their recovery process to better assit them in the early ambulation procedure. So we came up with this wearable solution.
We made 3 prototypes with different form factors and interface mockups and did an interview to see how these potential users feel about the product and the workflow involved in using this new system.

UI Development
Color coding helps caregivers to identify the unique medical condition and assists them to quickly treat any situation. 

Key Features
Duel purpose in-room display acts as a portal to encourage and track mobilization of the patient as well as continuously monitor vitals and other key metrics to aid caregivers in ambulation protocol.
Stroll also allows the patients to Call Nurse, and check their own Daily Goal. 
The Glove could be disposed or reused after sterilization, while the core device can be charged and prepared for the next patient.

Further Thoughts
Activity track is becoming an essencial feature in people's life, especially in the healthcare environment. Without the "barbed wires", a wearable device can provide real-time tracking on a patient's vitals, and also the distance that the patient travels before each stop, the walking stride length, etc. These information will eventually be mapped to data like patients' recovery protocals and certain time of the day. It's a low-cost, accurate personal tracking system which has great potential, and is also the next big thing our team wants to look into.


Stroll is an integrative design solution for the healthcare environment. It provides a platform which connects patients and caregivers in a intui Read More
