Leonardo Lins profil

Drifting Project - 2022 Catalog Cover Design

2022 Catalog Cover - KING TONY Tools​​​​​​​
When I was brainstorming for this cover, I kept pondering on how to make the brand 'reach beyond itself.' Originally, the brand image was all about the 'use of tools,' but I felt that while using tools, we should also prioritize their quality.
As the Chinese proverb goes, 'To do a good job, one must first sharpen one's tools.' highlighting the importance of quality tools in achieving excellence. With this spirit in mind, I let my imagination wander into outer space, where tools float amidst the vastness of the cosmos, representing the concept of these products surpassing earthly imagination.
This is why I named this concept proposal 'Drifting Project'.😂

Drifting Project - 2022 Catalog Cover Design

Drifting Project - 2022 Catalog Cover Design
