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Signs That Your Seattle Roofing Company Ripping You Off

Signs That Your Seattle Roofing Company Might Be Ripping You Off
It's important to keep your roof in good shape because it's your home's first line of defense against the weather. However, not every Seattle roofing company wants what's best for you. There are a few red flags that your roofer might be trying to scam you:

Estimates that are way too low: Everyone likes a deal, but if a roofing quote seems too good to be true, it probably is. They might give you low quotes to get your business, but then they might add extra fees or skimp on the work later.

Not having the right licenses and insurance: In Seattle, reputable roofing companies should have all the right licenses and insurance. It's a big red flag if your contractor can't show proof of these credentials. You could be held responsible for any accidents or damage that happen during the project if you don't have the right licenses and insurance.

Techniques of High Pressure: Be wary of contractors who try to rush you into signing a contract by using techniques of high pressure. If you hire a reliable Bellevue roofing company, they will give you all the information you need to make an informed choice without being pushy.
Using Cheap Materials: Some dishonest contractors may try to save money by using cheap materials that won't last. Make sure the materials being used for your roof meet industry standards and always ask about their quality.
Lack of a Written Contract: Never agree to do work without first having a written contract that spells out the exact details of the job, the materials that will be used, the due date, and the cost. You can't sue the contractor legally if they don't do what they said they would do without a contract.
Avoid falling for shady roofing contractors by being careful and doing your research. This will help you get the good roofing your home deserves.
Signs That Your Seattle Roofing Company Ripping You Off

Signs That Your Seattle Roofing Company Ripping You Off

