Semiotic Formulas

1. Child Development
To state the obvious, children are different from adults in the sense that their brains are quite literally a blank slate that needs to be filled up. Though there’s so much to learn, children cannot process information all at once. From birth, their brains can only handle so much for a set amount of time until their brain develops and allows for new information to be processed.


2. Existentialism
Existentialism argues that life is what we make of it and our fate rests in our hands. Our individual purpose isn’t given to us by God, Governments, Authority figures, etc. We shape who we want to be and are free to adapt and change our goal as we grow and experience new things in life.


3. Religious Pluralism
Religious Pluralism is the idea stating that if all religions carry wisdom and knowledge of the truth, who’s to say they all can’t be true and work together to reach a consensus. The only problem that may come with that, is if all religions started sharing and relating to one another, where will we draw the line between each religion and who gets to claim what.

Semiotic Formulas
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Semiotic Formulas

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