The global Cat Wet Food Market is driven by increasing pet humanization

The cat wet food market comprises canned, pouched and tray packed wet food products that are pre-packaged and offer complete and balanced nutrition for cats. Wet cat food is more moisture-rich compared to dry kibble and its soft texture makes it easy for cats to chew and digest. It also aids in keeping cats well-hydrated and healthy. Growing awareness among cat owners about providing their pets with nutritional diets along with increasing humanization of pets is fueling the demand for wet cat food globally.
The Global Cat Wet Food Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 5.79 Billion in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 5.9% over the forecast period 2024 to 2031.

Key Takeaways
Key players operating in the cat wet food market are Nestle S.A, Mars, Incorporated, Royal Canin SAS, Hill’s Pet Nutrition Inc., Unicharm Corporation, Heristo AG, Yantai China Pet Foods Co., Ltd., and Central Proteina Prima Tbk, among others. These companies are focusing on new product launches, partnerships, acquisitions and expansions to increase their market share. For instance, in 2021, Nestle S.A launched Purina ONE Wet Cat Food Pouches made with natural sources of protein that deliver nutrition cats love.

The growing demand for nutritional and convenient cat food products along with rising pet ownership is anticipated to drive the global cat wet food market during the forecast period. According to the American Pet Products Association, over 85 million cats are owned in the US alone and owners are willing to spend more for premium quality cat food. Moreover, cats requiring special diets due to conditions like obesity are boosting the demand for wet cat food containing controlled calories and nutrients.

Major players in the market are focusing on global expansion by tapping opportunities in emerging regions through tailored offerings, marketing activities and e-commerce platforms. For instance, in 2022, Mars, Incorporated expanded its cat food portfolio in China through the launch of new wet cat food options from its popular brands like Whiskas, Sheba and Temptations. This was done to cater to the growing number of pet owners in the Chinese market.

Market drivers
The increasing humanization of pets is a major driver contributing to the growth of the cat wet food market. According to the 2018-2019 APPA National Pet Owners Survey conducted in the US, over 70% of cat owners saw their cats as family members. This has surged the demand for premium cat food varieties that are more akin to what humans would consume. Also, increasing awareness about complete pet nutrition and busy lifestyles of cat parents are compelling them to opt for convenient wet food options rather than dry kibble preparation.

The current geopolitical situation is impacting the growth of the cat wet food market. Rising tensions and conflicts between some nations is disrupting global supply chains and trade routes, making it difficult for manufacturers to access raw materials and distribute products internationally. This can constrain production levels and availability. However, companies are responding by diversifying their supplier networks and exploring local sourcing opportunities in different regions to mitigate risks. They are also investing more in developing innovative formulations that use alternative ingredients, giving them more flexibility to adapt to disruptions. While geopolitical uncertainties pose near-term challenges, the long-term outlook remains positive given the growing pet humanization trend worldwide.

Currently, the North American region accounts for the largest value share in the global cat wet food market. Countries like the United States have high pet ownership rates and pet owners who are willing to spend on premium products. Moreover, the presence of leading international brands and private label lines ensure ample choices are available to consumers. However, the Asia Pacific region is projected to be the fastest growing market during the forecast period. Rising incomes, burgeoning middle classes and western influences in nations like China and India are propelling pet ownership. Manufacturers are tapping into this opportunity by launching entry-level offerings tailored for price-sensitive customers and working with regional retailers to boost availability.

Europe also constitutes a major revenue generator for cat wet food producers. Countries in Western Europe have a long history of pet adoption and owners devote considerable expenditures to feeding their cats nutritious diets. Stringent regulations further ensure product quality and safety. Market players have a well-established supply and distribution infrastructure here to efficiently serve consumers. They also launch country-specific lines that cater to local preferences.
Exploring the Purr-fect Choices: A Deep Dive into the Cat Wet Food Market



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