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Migrate Azure to AWS using Application Migration

Migrate Azure to AWS using Application Migration Service
Cloud migration is the strategic process of moving an organization’s digital assets, including data, applications, and services, from on-premises infrastructure to cloud-based platforms.
This transition unlocks scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency by harnessing the resources and services offered by cloud providers.

In this blog post let us learn about migration process in detail:

What is AWS Application Migration Service?
AWS Application Migration Service (MGN) is an automated tool that simplifies and speeds up the process of migrating applications to AWS. It allows companies to migrate physical, virtual, or cloud servers to AWS without compatibility issues or downtime.
MGN replicates your servers to AWS and then automatically converts and launches them when you’re ready. This helps you save costs, improve productivity,enhance resilience, and take advantage of AWS services for modernization.

Cloud migration offers significant business value in several key areas

1. Cost Efficiency: Cut down on upfront investments and operational costs by paying for resources based on actual usage.
2. Scalability: Easily scale resources up or down to meet changing business needs, ensuring consistent performance and avoiding over-provisioning.
3. Innovation: Experiment with new technologies and services readily available in the cloud to foster innovation and drive business growth.
4. Security: Leverage robust security measures and compliance features offered by cloud providers to enhance data protection and meet regulatory requirements.
5. Business Continuity: Ensure uninterrupted operations and data availability with efficient disaster recovery solutions provided by cloud platforms.
6. Agile Deployment: Accelerate the deployment of new applications and services, reducing time-to-market and enabling rapid response to market demands.

Architecture Diagram for AWS Application Migration Service
Steps to be followed:
Step1: Go to your Azure account and create a Resource Group
Resource Group
Step 2: Create an Azure Virtual Machine (Windows VM)
1. Choose a name for your virtual machine.
2. Select the region that matches your specified default region for the resource group.
3. Optionally configure availability options.
4. Choose the standard security group.
5. Select Windows Server 2019 as the operating system image.
Step 3: RDP into Windows VM
Download Nginx for Windows from the provided link.
Once the download is complete, extract the zip file to your C drive.
Disable Windows Defender Firewall (not recommended).
Copy the public IP of your VM and paste it into your browser’s address bar.

Step 4: in the AWS side search For Application migration service
We’ll discuss the settings involved, starting with configuring the launch template and replication template.
Replication Template: This template determines how data will be replicated from your source servers to AWS. It must be set up before adding source servers to the AWS Application Migration Service. You can adjust replication settings later as needed, and these settings will apply to newly added servers.
Launch Template: The Launch template controls how AWS Application Migration Service launches instances in AWS. The default settings in this template are automatically applied to each new server added. Changes to server launch settings are specific to each server and do not affect the launch template.
Step 5: After configuring your Replication and Launch templates, we will proceed to the source server where we will add our Azure
Select the operating system as Windows.
Choose your replication preferences, including which disks to replicate.
Navigate to the AWS IAM section and create a new user with permissions added for AWS Application Migration Agent Installation Policy.
Create User
Generate the Access Key and Secret Key as shown in the screenshot below. Copy both keys and paste them into the Application Migration Server section.
Migrate Azure to AWS using Application Migration

Migrate Azure to AWS using Application Migration
