rayssa rodrigues さんのプロファイル

triple(s)'s poster collection: assemble

ASSEMBLE é o mini-álbum de estreia do girl groul sul-coreano tripleS, com os primeiros dez membros revelados.
O álbum conta com 7 faixas em sua tracklist, sendo elas: Beam, Before the Rise, Rising, Colorful, The Baddest,
New Look e 초월 (Chowall).

Para esse projeto, decidi por trabalhar sob uma estética grunge com enorme influência do brutalismo.
A ideia nasceu de conversar com sentimentos como franqueza, confiança, positivismo e plenitude para além
do que ser jovem nos permite — assim como Rising, principal faixa-título da obra, busca transmitir.
[ENG]  ASSEMBLE is the debut mini-album by South Korean girl group tripleS, with the first ten members revealed.
The album has 7 songs in its tracklist, namely: Beam, Before the Rise, Rising, Colorful, The Baddest, New Look and 초월 (Chowall).

For this project, I decided to work under a grunge aesthetic with a huge influence from brutalism.
The idea was born from talking to feelings such as frankness, confidence, positivism and fullness beyond
what being young allows us — just as Rising, the work's main title track, seeks to convey.


triple(s)'s poster collection: assemble
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triple(s)'s poster collection: assemble

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