Packaging: Ariana Grande & Beer
For this project, we were assigned a celebrity and a random product, and with that, we had to design a logo, brand name, and their packaging. The first step in this was project was creating a brand name and designing a logo. 
To create I brand name, I had to identify three keywords which were femme fatale, mature, and feminine. I found these words through Ariana's album covers. A classmate pointed out that Ariana was changing her image and going for a mature look. When you look at her recent album covers and color tone they have, it gives of a mature look. The name for the brand "Femme Fatale" was inspired by Ariana's album cover Dangerous Woman. I also want to mention that an online article by Billboard says that the imagery and visual elements on the album cover perfectly capture femme fatale aesthetic. After choosing the brand name, I had to decide on a font to go with it. I chose "Map Roman" as the font because of how similar it looked to the one seen on the album cover. The brand name had to be black. 
After deciding how the brand name was going to look, I had to design a visual representation of the brand. Initially I was going to use a bunny with either a top hat or Ariana's signature hair style. I chose rabbits because of the bunny outfit Ariana was wearing for the Dangerous Woman album cover. For the design of the rabbit, I wanted to create something similar to the Playboy bunny logo because of what it would emphasize. Rabbits are also associated with the greek goddess Aphrodite. I scrapped this idea because I could not picture how I wanted the rabbit to appear. I chose the letter "A" to represent the brand because it is the first letter in Ariana's name. I then remembered the film Easy A, because it mentioned a book called The Scarlet Letter. While looking at the different book covers, I found one that had the "A" that reminded me of the font I was going to use. I not only liked how the "A" was designed but also the color it was filled with. I had to choose between red, crimson, and scarlet. I chose crimson because I liked how the "A" look with it. Scarlet took more of a red-orange tint. The "A" in the book symbolizes adultery, sin, hard work, skill, charity, righteousness, sacredness, and grace. 
Because I had beer as the product, I created a design for the glass bottle and the can. The final design of the labels are different from the ones I sketched because of the inclusion of the spades and how the packaging for cans looked. I included vines because without it, the labels had a lot of empty space. The Scarlet Letter cover also had vines. Because the label of the glass bottle was a rectangle and with the addition of the vines, I wanted to give it a vintage card aesthetic. The design of the box drastically changed for the final product because of its shape and the inclusion of the spade. While I was sketching the side of the box, Its design reminded me of playing cards. I changed the diamonds to spades because the ace of spades is traditionally the highest valued card. Also in some cultures, the spade is considered good luck. 
These were the final designs for the labels. I added roses because of their original color and because the logo looks plain without them. The row of spades and the floral pattern were also created because without them, there would be a lot of negative space. 
This is is the finished product. I included "What a Dangerous Woman" because it would reference the album this was inspired boss. Also since the target audience is women, the phrase is supposed to make them feel like they are in charge. 
Femme Fatale

Femme Fatale
