Michał Parzys profil

Saxon Palace - 3d model for AR app

Saxon Palace - 3d model for AR app
3D model for AR app made for Biuro Niepodległa. I worked on this project with Joanna Vetulani, Katarzyna Kaczyńska and Piotr Koźniewski - many thanks for good cooperation:)
My job was to optimize the mesh, do the uvs and textures. It was remade based on feedback from architects and researchers.

You can view the model in app (it works on site in Warsaw): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=pl.gov.niepodlegla.PalacSaskiAR&hl=en_IE&gl=US or in a webpage: https://kozniewski.pl/webgl/SaskiBiel. Link to Piotr Koźniewski's site: https://kozniewski.pl/
and Joanna's works: https://cara.app/bravelittletoaster/portfolio

Here are some static renders in Cycles and wireframes
Lesslów's tenement (left), Królewska 6 tenement (center) and Ludwik Malhome's tenement (right)
Brühl Palace
Lesslów's tenement and rotunda
Top view
Saxon Palace - 3d model for AR app


Saxon Palace - 3d model for AR app
