Monica Antonyans profil

"Berry-Tasty" branding

Our logo "Berry Tasty" encapsulates the essence of our establishment: warmth, comfort, and indulgence.
At first glance, you're greeted by the soft curves and rounded angles of our logo, mirroring the irresistible softness of our freshly baked donuts. The gentle embrace of the typography invites you to unwind and savor the moment, much like the cozy atmosphere of our cafe.

Our color palette, reminiscent of delicate pastels, envelops you in a sense of joy and delight, promising a sweet escape from the everyday hustle. It's an invitation to pause, indulge, and relish in the simple pleasures of life.
With each element thoughtfully crafted, our logo serves as more than just a symbol – it's a promise of quality, comfort, and community. Join us as we spread happiness, one delectable treat at a time. Welcome to a world where every moment is as delightful as our donuts. 
Berry Tasty- Very Tasty!

"Berry-Tasty" branding


"Berry-Tasty" branding
