It's easy to feel overwhelmed with so many courses and skills to take and feel confused about what to do and where to do it. Is it worth it? Is it worth my time? Will this make me successful? Will it benefit me? All these questions are like a toy train. But it's just a matter of searching, researching, reading feedback, and asking a mentor for support and clarification. 
You can't just sit and think and question these things you must browse the web. Watch informative videos, and interviews with your peers, seniors, and advisors won't know until we try. Not everything has to be done at once. Take your time and work slowly and gradually to achieve your goals and rewards. If you quickly get everything you want without absorbing information and expressing it, you will not be able to progress without failure and you will fail. 
You have to see all sides of the story. Observing other students' current success steps can make it seem quick and easy, but it's not. Instead of becoming jealous, we can use it as motivation to continue and achieve our goals. But you are very far from where you want to be. You don't have to do everything at once. You have to take it step by step. You must learn and grow with the resources you receive over time to achieve your goals and rewards. 
If you quickly get everything you want without taking the time to absorb knowledge and apply it, you will not be able to grow without failure and you will not be successful. You have to look at both sides of the coin. Looking at the current performance of other students may lead you to believe that it is quick and easy, but it is not. Do not be jealous. 
Let's use it as inspiration to continue our efforts and motivation to achieve our goals and achieve them. But if you are very far from where you want to be, don't lose focus and take the initiative to get there. Identify your own goals, path, and resources, and maybe even change the way you feel bad about yourself.
When we get in into a university, we use other resources or references for learning the material, anything besides the organization's books, that's for reading for the exams only. To completely understand and absorb, we browse the web, watch videos, and in the library. These courses are not prepping us for the real world which is for skills and knowledge needed for job hunting. We have to deal by ourselves by interacting with our seniors who have drunk the secret of the corporate world. Juniors take one year in undergraduate to learn that education isn't everything, practical depth is the way of using the degree and skills in the real world. learn skills from other resources.
A Freshman start


A Freshman start


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