Профиль Muzixiii Studio

YangMingShan Exhibition Center 陽明山火山展示館

We appreciate the invitation from TechArt Group to collaborate on creating a brand new visual experience for the Yangmingshan Volcanic Exhibition Hall. Through 3D landscapes, we aim to showcase the grandeur of the Datun Volcano Group, combined with scientific research to illustrate the vitality of volcanoes. We invite audiences to step into an immersive space and explore the secrets beneath the volcano.

感謝天工開物邀請我們,一同為陽明山火山展示館製作沉浸劇場的全新影像,透過 3D 地景呈現大屯火山群壯闊的樣貌,並結合科學研究,展現火山的活耀,邀請觀眾進入沉浸式空間,感受在火山底下的秘密。

Using 3D landscapes to depict the Datun Volcano Group, combined with scientific research data, we visually present the grandeur of the volcano magma chamber, allowing audiences to experience the activity and changes of the Datun Volcano Group.

藉由 3D 地景呈現大屯火山群,結合科學研究數據,將火山岩漿庫的壯闊以視覺呈現,感受大屯火山群的活躍與變遷。

Starting from the cityscape of Taipei 101, we showcase the distance from the city to the volcano. Through the perspective of monitoring personnel, we delve into the inner workings beneath the surface, inviting audiences to immerse themselves in the world's first experience of volcano heartbeats and volcanic tremors, allowing them to feel the secrets beneath the volcano.

從 101 城市市景出發,展現與火山的距離,透過監測人員的視角,挖掘地表下的火山內涵,邀請觀眾一起沉浸在全球首例的火山心跳、火山地鳴體驗,感受火山底下的秘密。


Client|國家實驗研究院 國家地震工程研究中心
Agency | 天工開物
Production House | Muzixiii Studio 目子拾參創意
Director | 李芹羽 Amber Lee 、 曹書睿 Ray Tsao
Art Director | 白宗穎 Zongying Bai
3D Artist | 劉尉廷 THEING、鄭丞佑 Chengyu Zheng、田志奕 Travis Tien、王柏淯 Mu Wang
Compositing | 劉尉廷 THEING、鄭丞佑 Chengyu Zheng、田志奕 Travis Tien

YangMingShan Exhibition Center 陽明山火山展示館

YangMingShan Exhibition Center 陽明山火山展示館
