Dimple Dithis profil

Redesign: The Burger King Logo

^_^ Hello, there! In this project i tried to redesign Burger King's logo in which, I sought to capture the essence of Burger King's legacy while infusing it with a fresh, contemporary twist.
Design Elements:At the heart of the logo sits a delectable burger, meticulously crafted to entice the senses and ignite the appetite. Rendered with mouthwatering detail and vibrant colors, the burger serves as a tantalizing invitation to indulge in a culinary adventure fit for royalty. Positioned as a small bite at the bottom corner, the burger beckons viewers to take a delicious journey with Burger King.

Color Palette: For the color palette, I opted for a regal combination of rich reds and golden yellows, evoking a sense of luxury and decadence. These bold hues not only pay homage to Burger King's classic branding but also infuse the logo with a contemporary flair, ensuring it stands out in today's crowded marketplace.
In redesigning the Burger King logo, my aim was to create a visual identity that not only honors the brand's legacy but also propels it into the future with renewed vigor and vitality. With its captivating blend of tradition and innovation, this redesigned logo serves as a beacon of excellence, inviting customers to experience the unparalleled taste and quality that only Burger King can deliver.

Redesign: The Burger King Logo


Redesign: The Burger King Logo
