Viorel Cecans profil

Custom Reception Desk with Frosted Acrylic Counter

Project Overview: Custom Reception Desk

Description: Designed a bespoke reception desk featuring a frosted acrylic counter, an LED backlit logo, and integrated storage units, tailored to enhance the aesthetic and functional needs of the client's space.

My Role: As the Production Furniture Designer, I was responsible for translating the approved design concept from the concept design team into detailed 3D models. I developed a comprehensive assembly with production-ready drawings for a seamless transition into manufacturing.

Tools Used: SolidWorks for 3D CAD modeling and drafting.

Project Management: I oversaw the project from the initial design phase through to the final delivery, ensuring all client specifications were met and the project adhered to scheduled timelines.

Project Deliverables:
A collection of snapshots showcasing the progression from 3D modeling and assembly drafting to the technical drafting of various desk components.
Production Photos
Custom Reception Desk with Frosted Acrylic Counter


Custom Reception Desk with Frosted Acrylic Counter
