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What Happened to the Animals' Perfect Town?

What Happened to the Animals' Perfect Town?

A children's book I made for a client. I worked with the client to come up with designs for the animals, type, and spreads. 

A description of the book: 
In "What Happened to the Animals' Perfect Town?" a group of clever animals discover the power of sharing and community. Set in a vibrant town, the animals face rising prices and challenges, prompting them to think creatively. By working together, they come up with creative solutions, showing how supporting each other can make a positive impact.

This story beautifully illustrates that genuine happiness comes not from material possessions, but from the love and understanding that we foster in our daily lives. It's a timeless reminder that true wealth is in the kindness, connections, and the bonds that we share.

Check out the book:
Cover/Back Cover
Inside Pages
What Happened to the Animals' Perfect Town?


What Happened to the Animals' Perfect Town?
