This project was a part of my intenship at Applied Engineering Sweden, where i was supposed to learn 3ds Max. I've added materials and lights to a pre-existing 3D model and then I've rendered it using V-RAY.
Since there werent any photos available for all the angles of the house I decided to try out some speedpainting. It was really fun, and now I want to practice it even more.
Photomanipulation with the house placed where it's supposed to be built, next to the current house.
Outside with speedpainted background
Outside with speedpainted background
Outside with speedpainted background
New version of the house with larger windows.
New couch.
New version of the house - view towards the lake (there weren't any better image material available, thus the slightly weird perspective).
House 3D render

다음을 위한 프로젝트

House 3D render

Training project in 3ds Max and V-RAY at Applied Engineering Sweden. Render and compositing of a guest house.
