It was 2009 and PC's were changing - for good.  The desktop model was really about one thing and one thing only:  power for cheap.  The industry relied on a standardized channel of components which were interchangeable and available in high volume across a wide spectrum of manufacturers.  Everyone was making the same thing, selling the same thing, with only the hope of beating the competition on cost.   This is how the mega-brands like Dell and Gateway came into prominence:  they gave consumers direct access to the channel, allowing customers to build their own configurations out of stock parts, based on specs, and have them delivered...essentially in a box...with either a Gateway badge or a Dell badge on the front.
But things were changing.  Big, boxy desktops were fading from popularity and another category (made popular by the iMac) was starting to emerge as the choice for home PCs: the All in One PC.   These are PCs which are built into the monitor, allowing the consumer to buy the whole system in one go:  monitor, keyboard, mouse and PC all wrapped up in one elegant package.  Add to this the fact that Mobile was starting to catch up in specs to the desktop offerings.  What was remarkable to me, was that the mainstream had yet to marry these two trends.  All of the All in Ones on the market were still packaging those clunky channel components which were made to fit into beige boxes under the desk.  The LG V300 began as an exploration of what might happen if you combined and All in One with the efficiency and elegance of a custom mobile architecture.  The result of this experimentation, at the time, was a striking contrast to the status quo.
LG V300

Progetto creato per

LG V300

A joint project between LG and Intel
