Save Master Yoda
In this arcade shooter game, you (the player) are Han Solo trying to save the great Jedi Master Yoda from being taken from his home planet of Dagobah by Darth Vader. With three different levels, easy, medium, and impossible, killing the allotted number of Vader's allows you to be able to properly save Master Yoda and free him back into Dagobah. Shooting Yoda causes him to be stunned and easily arrested by Vader. If this happens, you must restart the game from the beginning. 
Why did I make this game?
I made this game because I have always loved playing arcade shooter games, like Duck Hunt, and I wanted to make an arcade shooter but from my favorite movie series, "Star Wars." Throughout my high school baseball career, I was nicknamed Yoda, so I found it fitting to make a game where the goal is to save Yoda from being arrested by Vader. 
Inspiration for my game:
Inspiration for my game stems from three different games that I had played when I was younger. Here is how they each impacted my game:

Duck Shoot (left): This game gave me the idea of making certain entities being good and some being bad. If you shoot a duck with an "X," you lose time and points. Shooting a duck without an "X" gives you points until you eventually run out of time.

Shoot the Robber (middle): This game gave me the idea to make the game have the Vader's and Yoda's pop up after a set period of time and disappear after a certain period of time. This also gave me the idea to make every spawn different each time the character's spawn.

Western FPS 2D (right): This game gave me the idea for the first-person shooter type of game. This made me think of having Han Solo as the person trying to save Yoda from being arrested.
How did I make this game?
In order to make this game, I used Processing to actually right the code. Within the code I used several different coding techniques. For one, I used different classes for things such as a Bullet class, Enemy class, and a Yoda class. In order to make these classes work, I used finite states to run the code properly in order to be able to have 3 different levels. I also used animation to make the death animation for Darth Vader as well as using the "PImage" function to be able to add in ".png" images to make the game more unique. I also added audio into the game to make it more interesting and enjoyable. Also, I had a little bit of help from my good friend ChatGPT to help write the code for my bullet to allow it to move diagonally. 
How many states did I use?
In order to make my game, I used 7 different states. Here is each state listed in order:

State 0: This is my home screen that shows how to play a certain level and also takes you to the "Learn to Play" screen.

State 1: This is where my "easy" level is holstered. Only one Vader and one Yoda spawn in this level. The winning score for this state is 10 points.

State 2: This is where my "medium" level is stored. 2 Vader's and 2 Yoda's spawn in this class. The winning score for this state is 25 points.

State 3: This is where my "impossible" level is stored. 5 Vader's and 2 Yoda's spawn in this class. The winning score for this state is 50 points.

State 4: This state is the fail screen as well as the failure music. This state is only reached through states 1-3 after shooting a Yoda. From this case, you can return back to state 0 to select the same or different level.

State 5: This state is the win screen as well as the win music. This state is only reached through states 1-3 after shooting the winning amount of Vader's and safely rescuing Yoda. From this case, you can return back to state 0 to select the same or different level.

State 6: This state is simply the "Learn to Play" screen that can only be reached from state 0 by pressing the "l" key. The only place from here that a player can go is back to the home screen.

Below are images of each state in order from 0-6:
Save Master Yoda
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Save Master Yoda

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