​​​​​​​Medley ou os Dias em que Aprendi a Voar

Lola is 15, she loves books and swimming, and the best months of her life are ahead. After all, the uncle Lola was supposed to be visiting on vacation suddenly left, and now Lola is completely free! No adults — just the sun, swimming competitions, first love, first true friendship and the search for an answer to the question that has been haunting her for ages: what happened to her father many years ago?..

Written by Keka Reis
Illustration & Lettering by me
Published by MTS Stroki

Option 1: Swimming
Option 2: Romantic summer

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Medley Book Cover
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Medley Book Cover

Обложка для книги "Комплексное плавание, или Дни, когда я научилась летать". Автор Кека Рейс. Иллюстрация и леттеринг выполнены мной для сервиса Daha Fazla Bilgi

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