(ichopocatl) n. from Nahuatl
1. a young woman

2. an adolescent girl
This project started with the simple premise of photographing the young, mostly Mexican girls, of a typical elementary school in Southern California.  Each model was asked the following questions after their shoot. 

1. What is your name and how old are you?

2. What do you see yourself doing in 10 years?

3. What do you see yourself doing in 20 years?

4. What do you think your biggest challenge or obstacle will be?

5. What were you feeling when you had your photograph taken?
"My name is Adriana and I am 11 years old.  In 10 years I want to go to college and in 20 years I want to be a pediatrician because I want to take good  care of kids and their health.  I think my biggest challenge will be going to college and medical school.  When you took my photo it was awesome!"
"My name is Celeste and I am 11 years old. In 10  years I want to go to college to be a doctor so I can cure cancer...so people who have cancer can live a normal life. In 20 years I watn to buy my own hospital so I can cure many, many diseases.  I think my biggest challenge will be buying my own hospital and hiring other doctors.  When I took my photo I felt big and confident that I would be a great doctor."
"My name is Michelle and I am 10 years old.  In 10 years I will find myself in college studying to be a crime scene investigator.  And in 20 years I want to get a job as a crime scene investigator because it seems cool.  I think my biggest challenge will be learning all the techniques of CSI.  When I took my photo I felt confident in myself."
"My name is Jackie and I am 11.  In 10 years I want to see myself being a teacher because I like teaching a lot of kids and writing on the board.  In 20 years I see myself owning my own house.  My house will be white and two stories.  I think my biggest challenge will be doing all the studying.  When my photo was taken I felt nervous."
"My name is Leslie and I am 12 years old.  In 10 years I want to go to college and I want to study music.  In 20 years I want to teach music to elementary kids.  I think my biggest challenge will be learning how to teach other students music.  When my photo was taken I felt like I was going to a shiny place..."
"My name is Ana and I am 10 years old.  In 10 years I want to go to college to be a professional photographers and in 20 years I want to be a professional designer because I like designing clothes.  I think my biggest challenge will be taking photos of famous people.  When you took my photo it felt very professional."
"My name is Melissa...I am 11 years old.  In 10 years I want to finish college and in 20 years I want to get a job to be a doctor.  I want to be a doctor so I can cure a lot of people.  I think my biggest challenge will be finishing college because of all the tests.  When I took my photo I felt...happy."


Portraits of students taken in May of 2011. Taken with Large Format Camera, Illford Delta 400 Film and printed on Glossy Fiber Paper.
