Stories and drawings.

The temptation to see the character in a story exactly as you imagined him, to visualize the people who populate his world, his dreams, his memories, is too strong for anyone with a modicum of familiarity with the pencil and a desire to tell stories.

These are the reasons that move a "geronte" to get involved, to go down a road, that of comics, that has always been observed but never traveled and experienced firsthand.
It goes without saying that some stories are rooted in the lived experience of those who tell them: "The First on the List" is an attempt to retrace the historical period framed in the so-called years of lead in Italy, where characters and facts of pure fantasy are intertwined with the chronicle of those days, with continuous flash backs that retrace dramatic stages of our recent history.
Some drawings are taken from period photos. We thank the authors and especially Tano D'Amico for the photos on the 1977 Movement
Il primo della lista


Il primo della lista
