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Fabric Silkscreen Studio Works

Spring 2024 Studio - Fabric Silkscreen

The first print, which features vintage electronic gadgets of the millennial era, is an imagery inspired by Chris Jordan. Chris Jordan often focuses on the theme of overconsumption through photographing large-scale landscapes made up of small gadgets—one of his most famous pieces being a photograph of an electronic waste yard. In an era of rapid advancement in the electronic industry, my first collection focused on visual overconsumption through repeats and color. Using bright colors and referencing malfunctioning digital screens, my series of prints utilized many of the skills learned in class and many layers of colorant to render the theme of technological overconsumption and market consumerism at large. During the creation process, I referenced works by Mark Bradford, an American visual artist who often employs geometric motifs to create illegibility. I am intrigued by the pixelated effect of layering geometric motifs, and I have incorporated such a technique in many of my prints. 
Fabric Silkscreen Studio Works
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Fabric Silkscreen Studio Works

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