Profil Janine Andaya

User Interface: Log-in Forms

Log-in Forms
Problem space: Company required a seamless and efficient way for their users to access and request their services. 

To do this, there needed to be an understanding of the current state end-to-end journey of the customer, as well as the company's requirements and regulations.

Note: the following screens are redacted and edited for confidentiality purposes

Empathise (Discovery): 
Client provided an overview of their current processes. This included information about their internal ways of working, the services regulations, and current state of their customers journey both from a front-end perspective and back-end perspective. This would help create a clearer image of the current environment, needs, wants, pain points and user behaviours. 

Synthesis and analysis revealed an intricate, detailed heavy form creation process that involved various different personas and user stories. This process was met with frustration, information overload, incorrect data input and overall confusion on the next steps of the form creation.

Based on our discovery and analysis, we believed we could create a user experience that allowed the user more feedback on their inputs, communication with the business for more information and the showcasing of only the most relevant content to be provided to specific user groups.

The delivery of this solution was formed through the creation of various mapped user stories and features. From the front-end experience, we presented the user with only the most relevant information and evaluation needed for their specific needs and wants, whilst showcasing the cascading impacts of specific data inputs that would better inform, and give feedback, to user choices. On the back-end, we provided a log-in process that authenticated the user to remove the need to multiple entries of the same information. 
User Interface: Log-in Forms

User Interface: Log-in Forms
