Qidran Ahmads profil

Bad Habits - REXKL Event Posters

Bad Habits is a DJ event that occurs regulary in REXKL. As the graphic designer of REXKL, I was tasked in designing their posters.
Event Date: 30/8/23
The theme for this poster was based off parodies on local politician posters as the event was held on Independence Day in Malaysia.
Event Date: 13/10/23
The theme for this poster was based off old Japanese manga covers. I referenced old manga covers from Shonen Jump for this poster.
Event Date: 1/12/23
Bad Habits did not have a theme for this event and gave me free range for the poster. I decided to experiment with the poster and came up with this design.
Event Date: 27/1/24
For this event, I was also given free range for the look of the poster. I decided to design something wild and energetic to relate back to Bad Habits' music.
Event Date: 3/8/24
For this poster, I was inspired by the punk band "Bad Brains" and decided to design the poster based on their visuals. 
Date: 19/4/24
The theme for this poster was Indie Raya as the event took place a week after Hari Raya. I incorporated elements of hari raya into the poster.
Bad Habits - REXKL Event Posters

Bad Habits - REXKL Event Posters
