This is a survival game where you play as a tank that fends off UFOs, it happens to be on the Fortnite map. I was inspired by a mobile game called and a browser game called
This is quite a low quality image but it shows the gameplay pretty well.
For the map, I used the Fortnite Season X map because it was the only one I could find in a high resolution. For the Title and Death screen, I used AI to make the main image and Canva to add text.
I have a state for the title screen, the main game, and a death screen.
Huge shoutout to Jean-Marc Wages, Sean-Anthony Mensah and Chris Whitmore for helping me with coding troubles and Ryan Perry for the tank art. Also slight shoutout for ChatGPT as it was helpful for some basic code outlines even though 90% of its outputs gave me errors lol. I also borrowed code from Elton Sampaio on YouTube for the enemy movement.
Armoured Assault

Armoured Assault


