Perfil de Colin Kent

Bricked: A processing minigame

A minimal brick-breaking, ball-bouncing, infinite-scrolling multiplatform game.
The concept is simple: break all the bricks before they break you...
Each round, you aim and shoot the ball to break as many bricks as possible. The ball will bounce around until it disappears beneath you. The ball will reset, and the blocks will move one step closer to you. Rinse and repeat.
The farther you move forward, the more health the blocks have, increasing the game's difficulty.
If the bricks reach the bottom of the screen...
I made this game because I have always loved infinitely generating games. I equally love colors and satisfying noises, so I created a concept that combined all of those. Another game I drew a large inspiration from was Ketchapp's "Ballz." However, I did not find this game nearly satisfying enough, and it was too slow. It was also much more complicated due to the firing of many balls and gaining powerups. My game shines in its simplicity.
My game has states for all game screens. It's a combination of my own coding, ChatGPT, lab assistants, and a lot of debugging. I was debating making artwork, but I really enjoyed the simple shapes and colors and decided to stick with it. I realized it could be better as a mobile game then as a desktop one, so I made both versions. The mobile one is definitely a lot easer.
Here's a recording of my game!
Bricked: A processing minigame

Bricked: A processing minigame
