Profil von Jakob Pelusi

Dog Burrow - Exhibition Banners

Dog Burrow Exhibition Banners - Works Inspired by Reg Mombassa

This project involved creating a series of three banners for a fictional art exhibit by the Museum of South East Queensland. The exhibit will feature works inspired by a specific famous artist, and so the banners themselves needed to be designed in the artist's style.

My artist was Reg Mombassa.

The banners had to include original imagery, and so I decided to dive into Reg Mombassa's amazing body of work to create my own version of his iconic illustration style.

This is some of the most fun I've had illustrating and I'm really pleased with the final outcome. What do you think?
Mockup templates sourced from Freepik Premium.
This is a student project and is not affiliated with Reg Mombassa.

Thanks for stopping by!
Dog Burrow - Exhibition Banners

Dog Burrow - Exhibition Banners
