S u p e r p o s i t i o n 
by Leonora
Textile structures have their constructivist purpose - strength, durability, adaptability, and lightness. Using lightweight, and flexible materials, I search for new contexts of visual experience by establishing an immersive environment that drives the participant-viewer on a psychological and emotional level. My work called Superposition is devoted to researching the mutual relationship between traditional motifs and techniques of textile handmade work and the modern perception. In embroidery, crochet, and knitting, we find symmetry, order and harmony, the postulates that we aspire today. My aim is to establishing energy, and vitality through the projection of ornamental motives to industrial materials or new techniques and technologies. I see great potential in interweaving, tactility, reflection, transparency, and ornamental organization in textiles. They are interesting me as a universal language, one that carries memory and parts of the past and has the potential to connect the past to the present. Through each work, the topic duality of transience and consistency is present.

Serbia / Belgrade / Silosi.rs / 2022

