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Benefits of Transit Oriented Development

The poster board created for my Urban Land-Use Control course during the third semester of my Regional and City Planning studies explores the concept of Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) and its potential to address the conflict between abundant employment opportunities and the availability of affordable housing near employment zones.
The study primarily focuses on demonstrating how TOD can effectively resolve the tension between employment growth and housing affordability in urban areas. Transit-Oriented Development is a highly relevant and intriguing topic for stakeholders in urban planning due to its potential advantages and positive impacts on area development.
The poster aims to highlight the benefits and positive outcomes associated with TOD implementation. It emphasizes how TOD can optimize urban land-use by strategically locating mixed-use developments, residential areas, and transportation hubs in close proximity. This approach not only improves accessibility to jobs but also promotes affordability by reducing commuting costs and time.
By showcasing the advantages of TOD, the poster underscores its potential to create more sustainable and livable communities. It emphasizes the importance of integrating transportation infrastructure with land-use planning to foster economic vitality, social equity, and environmental sustainability within urban areas.
Moreover I got the opportunity to present the poster in the Gibbs College Graduate Student Showcase and discussed my study with multiple faculties and visitors who visited the presentation event and got appreciation for my thoughts. I believe that the poster serves as an educational tool to engage stakeholders and promote the adoption of Transit-Oriented Development as a key strategy for addressing urban challenges related to employment growth and housing affordability. 
Benefits of Transit Oriented Development

Benefits of Transit Oriented Development
