Original Low Fidelity Prototype
INTRA Mural is an app designed for individuals of any age who wish to join a fun and safe sports leagues. The app offers surveys and gathers information form the user to ensure they have access to the best sports opportunities for them. Intramural is designated as a space to connect those interested in playing sports in their own communities with partner leagues, competitions, and workshops. Intramural was designed out of the need to create more community based and inclusive spaces for LGBT+ individuals to have fun. All interested in joining INTRA Mural must be committed to being inclusive and accepting of all members of the INTRA Mural space. This app does not tolerate bullying or aggressive behavior.
Original Low Fidelty Prototype with some changes
Research Summary: 
The idea for this app came from extensive research of the LGBT+ community, especially LGBT+ youth. Through this research, I found that LGBT+ individuals often have trouble finding spaces where they can have fun without fearing for their safety. Trans identifying people in specific are often not even allowed to compete in sport, especially in schools and professional leagues. LGBT+ individuals often face much persecution and bullying when participating in sports, but the desire for sports persists. Many LGBT+ individuals report craving sports as a outlet in their day to day life. When interviewing LGBT+ young adults, I spoke to several young adults in their 20s who no longer have a connection to sports. This, however, is not always by choice. My research found that those young adults are willing to join sports leagues or become more a part of their LGBT+ community, but they just are not sure of where to start.
Prototype of the Location tab
Summary of Changes:
INTRA Mural started as one word: Intramural. However, this is not just supposed to represent one word, but it is also to an app designated as a mural for viewing information about the relating sports leagues in the app. This app started as something for the local community. To serve as a tool of communication between those people playing the sports leagues. However, as this app developed, it became a designated space not just for local chats, but global. The location page was developed in place of the search tab and the home tab became one big space to include exploring and settings. This way, the default is to browse the app and explore sports leagues simultaneously on a global level and a local level. The app shows highlights and allows users to share their joys surrounding their sports to people on their team and people across the globe, strengthening community both locally and internationally. Scrolling and exploring is encourages, while accessing basic account information, accessing game schedules, and communicating with teams all remain core functions of the app.
Medium Fidelity Prototype


