Paragon '24  (January 12- 14 2024)
As the president of the module, I led a team of 9 people. I oversaw the module and prepared the activities of the day. My role as President involved strategic planning, effective communication, and a strong focus on creating a positive and enriching experience for all involved in my module.  
Gravitron included meticulously planning the module’s activities, coordinating different activities related to physics, and establishing clear scoring criteria for the challenges involved. We created a stranger things themed module which immediately grasped everyone's attention and we had the limit of participants completely filled. Additionally, I oversaw the decoration and thematic elements of the module, working to create an engaging and immersive environment for participants.
I also took on the responsibility of hosting the closing ceremony of the event. Alongside my partner, we crafted a script for the ceremony, ensuring that it flowed smoothly and encapsulated the essence of the event. From extending our gratitude to the guests and presenting awards to participants, every aspect of the ceremony was thoughtfully planned and executed.
Paragon '24

Paragon '24
