I created this poster design as a fictional promotion work for my favorite band. This was an exercise given to us by my advertising professor at The New School for Design, to make us see that ad's truly can be art. We were given only a short amount of time to create something that represented our art, while promoting a band for their concert. I selected Lad Zeppelin as my band of choise, and drawing by hand as my representation of art. Led Zeppelin was my very first "favorite band" and has influenced my life in a grand scale. The art of drawing by hand is my most fundamental way of expressing myself artisticly, and I saw the opportunity for these parts of my life to finally come together. 
As I mentioned, this is a school based exercise and is a totally fictional work.
Hope you enjoy.
Shown below is the process of drawing the iconical Led Zeppelin angel. 
I have departed the angel from its wings, as I wanted to focus on the expression of the angels posture and roughness, rather than the fact that it is an angel. A way to make an expression come to life, while embedding a picece that the fans will recognize, and hopefully love. 
Since this was a fictional work of art, I gave myself the freedom to take a different aproach to the design than Led Zeppelin's artwork usually does. The roughness and expression of their music is contained in the angel while the poster itself has a modern and clean look to it. A look that will forever frame the historical rock band that was, and still is the father of heavy rock as we know it today. 
Thank you for your time!
Led-Zeppelin Poster Design

Led-Zeppelin Poster Design

Fictional poster design for Led-Zeppelin
