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Book Illustration :: Good News, Planet Earth!

Good News, Planet Earth!

Published by DK / Penguin Random House
Written by Sam Bentley
Illustrated by Cindy Kang

Good News, Planet Earth! is a go-to guide to learn all about the amazing sustainable developments that are happening worldwide to combat global warming, pollution, deforestation, the use of wasteful products, and threats to our diverse wildlife.

I was commissioned to draw seven chapter opening illustrations for Good News, Planet Earth by DK. These illustrations introduce various natural conservation efforts and sustainable development that the following chapter will cover.

Book Cover

Sketch to Final

Below is an example that shows how each artwork is finalized from the sketch.

The brief was to show various sea life conservation efforts as well as the threats, such as bottom trawling, in the same spread. After discussing how the positive and negative aspects need to be differentiated clearly with colors and composition, the revisions were made accordingly in the finalizing stage.

Main Illustrations

(City, Energy, Land, Ocean, Food, Wildlife, Transportation)


Published by DK (2023)

It was amazing to be part of the project that spread good news for our planet earth,
and to work with the wonderful team at DK. Earth Day is every day!

Thank you for visiting.

Contact: cindysykang@gmail.com
More work: www.cindysykang.com


Book Illustration :: Good News, Planet Earth!


Book Illustration :: Good News, Planet Earth!
