Regenerative Brand Identity for 78th St. Studio's
For this class project, I was to create a versatile, regenerative brand identity system for a local arts organization, 78th Street Studios. This brand system was to include a highly flexible logomark, a brand color palette, and unique branded applications ranging from tote bags to a pop-up screenprinting workshop. This project also focused on fostering peer collaboration, with initial concepts being done by my partner student, Lia Weiksner ​​​​​​​then being passed to me for final execution. 
One of the key goals of this project was to create a highly adaptable brand, with that, my partner and I created a logo wherein mutable typography would be used within the '78' allowing for the logo to change and adapt with each reiteration. 
Business Cards:
Specialized Business Contact:
Tote Bag + Mailer Box:
Pop-Up Screenprinting Workshop:
Regenrative Logo Mark:
Brand Patterns:
Brand Vision Board:
. . .
Regenerative Brand Identity
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Regenerative Brand Identity

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