Whitman County Visual Identity
The central theme of this visual identity is growth. 

From agriculture to education to growing businesses, Whitman County is more than just farmland and small towns. Whitman County is ripe with possibilities, and my work aims to reflect that. 

The four-dot mark found on these designs was inspired by plant seeds and bullet points, which are both symbolic of growth and expansion. Additionally, fonts and colors were chosen with Whitman County's rolling hills and vibrant nature in mind. The RISO effect allowed me to use real photos while still adding some visual interest to the identity.

Some of these designs were created with local stores and boutiques in mind. I have observed that when you visit a small town's main street, stores often sell stickers, postcards, keychains, and other merchandise celebrating the area. This is a great way to promote small towns and rural areas that are full of life and community.

Whitman County is a region that deserves to be celebrated for its unique offerings and the potential it holds!
Whitman County

Whitman County
