This here is a infographic poster that I made during college to help bring awareness to a world problem. I went with the topic of mental health and suicide because they extremely important topics to me and have had a major impact on my life.
I started by grabbing images of info graphics that inspired my design and piled them all here.
after that I went on to start on thumbnails. My ideas going into this were to either be very graph like, as in like a bar graph or pie chart with a focus around a stick figure representing the reader.
I then went on to pick my favorites and fleshed them out. both were similar in some design options but different enough that I felt they both needed to be made into roughs.
I went with the right one and made the whole poster in illustrator. I used a lot of blue since blue is a color that is associated with calmness and has been said to have a subconscious calming effect on most individuals. with that all said here is the final result.
The left side is the full poster while the right is close ups of all of the statistics.
Infographic poster


Infographic poster
