Smile, and the world
smiles with you.

The Opportunity
In Esso's third year running of the Smiles Loyalty Program,
the ambition was to shine the light on an aspect of 'Every Smile, a Reward'
no one has ever seen before — Great value is infectious, and sharing it makes the experience even more rewarding.

The Insight
Good lobang must share — Smiles takes on an influential property,
becoming infectious and passed on to these other customers.

The Idea
Through this film, we employ the use of doppelgängers to bring the
shareable concept across strongly,
representing the influence of Esso Smiles –
all through using the enhanced Esso app.

30s Film
Supporting Media
Behind the Scenes
Creative Director: Elijah Ng
Senior Copywriter: Joel Lim
Art Director: Madeline Ngai
Film Production: Winfred - Abundant
Every Smile, a Reward 3


Every Smile, a Reward 3


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