Profil appartenant à Alexandra Brown

Catalyst Financial And Insurance Solutions Brochure

Catalyst Financial And Insurance Solutions Brochure
I was looking around on the website DesignCrowd and I happened to stumble upon this project. And so I clicked it. And then read the brief. The brief is as follows :

Brochure Design Brief

Create a professional brochure for my financial planning team, "Catalyst Financial & Insurance Solutions." Please use attached logo, attached photo's and contact information for team members, menu of services, and process. Please also leave space to add a QR code later.
And so I downloaded the information in the zipped folder. And proceeded to create the brochure for this financial planning business.
Here are the results with the help of their information and the use of Canva and some imagination. I have to blur some information as it belongs to the company "Catalyst Financial & Insurance Solutions."
This is the back section of the brochure
The Process
First, I used my professional Canva account. I have a personal one but in this case, I preferred to use the professional one. I used Photo-pea, a Photoshop alternative, and did some touches on the sent images. Nothing much. And then I created the project before you.

It took me around two hours as I over thought this project a lot. And I gave up a few times throughout this project. Usually, I would be done within the hour as everything was provided and I didn't have to create the project from scratch. Link to my others @aweds94 on Behance. 

I blurred the information here as it belonged to the company. And I felt that I should still send it towards the contact information available. However, I am too nervous to do so. As I wouldn't want to come off as desperate or creepy. 

So I hope the winner will get the results in the end. The prize was a payment of $150 dollars.
I have done other attempts before this final result. Here is an example. It was the beginning of a bi-fold brochure.
The attempt of this brochure in a bi-fold format
I had one for a tri-fold but it still isn't completed as yet either. And I couldn't post it as it was just a trial run.
The End Result
Unfortunately, I found out that I couldn't submit the project as my profile was not allowed to place the project in the submission option. As the account was not verified or something about submission not allowed due to account status. So I am peeved about the entire experience. But I know I am still capable of going on with it. And I learnt some new things about myself too. I was able to complete something within a time frame. And I think it turned out great. 

They seem like a good financial planning company. So I'm hoping them good luck. You can find me and probably my socials at my And my other Behance @aweds. And my Dribble at GirlEmoji.
Catalyst Financial And Insurance Solutions Brochure
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Catalyst Financial And Insurance Solutions Brochure

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