Whitman, a small county located in Eastern Washington, filled with close-knit communities, rolling hills, and 16 towns each unique in their own way. With this project we have aimed to project the youthful vibrancy that are Whitman's towns. We have designed a series of posters, merchandise, and branding to display Whitman county as a tight-knit but open community filled with fun and youth!

After looking through our inspiration photos we decided to focus on overall bright colors without sticking to a single color palette, inclusion of abstract shapes (reminiscent of the Palouse's rolling hills), and bold fonts to signify the modern and current look we are aiming for. 
My process focused on designing overall graphics and images and then putting them into the appropriate mockups for each design, manipulating them as necessary. While each design looks very different I wanted to make sure they all clearly had the same intent and emotion behind them. 
Visit! Whitman County
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Visit! Whitman County

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