Karsyn Graham profili

Design Technology Lookbook

For this project, I was assigned a look book template filled with information about my previous projects and places to showcase work from this semester! Starting with all of my Photoshop projects, I placed files into the look book. I did the same with my Illustrator projects, then lastly InDesign files. Each section ended with a final project in which we were given a place to generate a QR code to show our progress through our Behance page. For the cover page of this look book, we were given creative freedom to design it as we wanted. Overall this is a great resource to reflect on my work and to be able to use in the future for BFA!
When it comes to visual hierarchy, I chose to use an all-uppercase font as my heading all across my work. The font Lemon Milk provided a bold look that drew a reader’s eyes to the headings. To balance the heading font I chose Montserrat Regular font, which is a thinner and shorter font to draw even more attention to the heading font. For my cover page, I choose to use the same Lemon Milk font to draw in elements from the inside of the lookbook. I did a deep yellow and a bright pink to draw attention to my cover page of the book. 
When coming into this project I wanted to learn more about InDesign, but more specifically I wanted to learn more about being able to position text around images. Not only that, but from this project I wanted to be much better at positioning images and understanding fonts and how they pair together. When it comes to typography, I didn't know how fonts were paired together or how their characteristics worked together, I want to continue to learn more about that. 
Starting this project we were given a template where we inserted our native file types from Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. The top photo is our original template and the bottom photo is it filled in.
Some of our other pages in the lookbook included our overall project work! This is the finished version of my latest project, which was Project 2. Then the first image is the requirements for this project when starting. The last image is the finished project overall. Once again the Project 2 final image is just a native Photoshop file placed into the template.
The last section of each project had a QR code that was placed that led to our Behance to show the progress of whichever project was previously shown. To make this QR code I copied and pasted my link to my Behance page, then pressed Object-Generate-QR Code, lastly pressed web hyperlink front of the drop-down menu, and then just pasted your link in!
The last thing I did was make my cover page for the lookbook. I used the same font as I did in my project which was Lemon Milk. I typed all of my stuff then used the rotate tool to position my words and moved them around till I found something I liked. Then I used the ellipse tool to draw my small circle and the rectangle tool to draw my lines coming down from the word lookbook. I also used the ellipse tool for the small circles inside the word lookbook. For my color palette, I chose a bright color palette to base this off of to just draw attention to my cover page. 
Overall, this is a project that shows our exemplary work through the spring semester. We were able to go back to our product pages for InDesign, Photoshop, & Illustrator and type in our favorite tools and shortcuts in these programs! Including this and showing our work, the explanations, and the learning of design and typography this project was very helpful! The image above is the finished book in whole after being bound! This was a great way to allow me to reflect on my work and see my progress and improvement throughout the semester.

I feel like this project has helped me tremendously with learning typography because not only did we get to pick our fonts, but we had to have them approved. So, I thought about my typography and tested several new things. I also learned how to place images and how to fit them into their space and boxes. I for sure feel like I learned about layout and how to make images look best when it comes to lining them up. Coming into this with a few ideas about InDesign, I ended up liking it and discovered that it was more user-friendly than I anticipated. 

Design Technology Lookbook
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Design Technology Lookbook

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