Wilde Papers

A bookish periodical exploring themes around Material Text and Ergodic Literature.

E D I T O R I A L   |   T Y P O G R A P H Y   |   B O O K   D E S I G N   |   P E R I O D I C A L

Wilde Papers is a new publication featuring work from practitioners - book designers, printmakers and authors - alongside academic discussion surrounding various modalities and materialities of text.  The first issue explored Nox, a personal piece of poet Anne Carson, as well as exploring questions surrounding tactile reasoning and what books mean to us as objects. The name, Wilde, is borrowed from Oscar Wilde - his quote, “To define is to limit,” fits rather perfectly with the intended content. The bright yellow references the transgressive spirit of the late 19th-century yellow book covers, labelling the annual as a point of reference for boundary-pushing ideas in the world of material text. The paper is primarily printed on a ‘writable’ toothy notepaper and features a faint dot grid for easy marginalia additions.  Content is curated to present various ideas and concepts and will be supported with video content showing flip-throughs of the featured books.
Wilde Papers


Wilde Papers
