Profil appartenant à Ulkar Akhundova

"Amateur Astronomers Association" Branding

Astronomer - A person who explores and studies space.

Considering that the association is made up of amateur astronomers and one of its main goals is to bring together people with an interest in space, I decided to focus on "Astronomer" during the mind map.
At this point, I researched about Nasir al-Din al-Tusi, because he was one of the first astronomers who had a great role in the development of astronomy in the Azerbaijan. I came across Tusi's discovery "Tusi couple" and while reading about it, I realized that this has a very deep role in astronomy.

During the time of Ptolemy, people believed that the Earth was in the center and the other planets revolved around it. But, many years later Nicolaus Copernicus proved that the planets orbit around the Sun. "Tusi couple" played a big role in this proof. 

So I wanted to connect my logo with this concept.
The Tusi couple is a mathematical device in which a small circle rotates inside a larger circle twice the diameter of the smaller circle.
I inspired the shape of the logo from "Tusi Couple" and emphasized day and night by using contrasting colors. I took the color from the magnificent colors of cosmos. And added the star to indicate space.
My primary colors are colors of the logo. As secondary colors I used the approximate colors of the planets.
I inspired for corporate style from the Spirograph drawing device, because its working principle was the same as the "Tusi couple". Using this device, you can draw various perfect figures depending on circle's size.
So I drew 8 shapes and named each of them a planet name.
Monochrome versions
You can't imagine space without stars! So, as secondary elements, I created star shapes.


"Amateur Astronomers Association" Branding
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"Amateur Astronomers Association" Branding

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