I had no idea how I went from creating a circle to this abstract painting.

Grayscale Abstract: This artwork features a grayscale abstract composition, creating a modern and minimalistic feel.

Central Sphere: A prominent sphere with a gradient from white to black is centered, drawing the viewer’s attention. This was my stepping stone in creating shadows but instead I got a more dramatic effect becuase of the background.

Patterned Background: The background looks like it may consist of an array of smaller shaded spheres, giving a sense of depth as if receding into space. But actually, those aren't spheres. Those are actually patterned lines with angled motion blurs. It is such a mesmerizing effect with the sphere foreground.

Light and Shadow: The lighting suggests a light source from the upper left, with highlights and shadows adding dimension to the spheres--but I scratched that and made the light source of the background in an opposite direction.

Everything in this art is contrast. Clearly everything in monochromatic and opposite lighting.
Spherical Illusion
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Spherical Illusion

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