Her-Jin Shyu 的个人资料

巧克力童趣森林 Chocolate Forest |Packaging Illustration

為了追求頂級滋味, 一家人踏上旅途, 來到盛產可可的熱帶雨林。 
克服挑戰、採集原料後, 製成長榮巧克力,
一口咬下, 就能體會這世界的美妙, 與多采多姿。

In pursuit of premium taste, a family embarks on a journey to the tropical rainforests abundant with cocoa. 
Overcoming challenges and gathering raw materials, they craft Evergreen Chocolates. 
With each bite, one can experience the wonders of the world, full of richness and variety.

The illustration packaging for this product is aimed at families. Since chocolate is a high-priced handmade product, its consumer base typically has high purchasing power and primarily buys it for gifting purposes. Therefore, the style should remain elegant and not overly childlike. Drawing inspiration from keywords such as "family" and "cocoa," imagine a family embarking on an adventure together, infusing the artwork with storytelling and fun.
尺寸 / 17 × 9 × 4.5公分,天地盒 
材質 / 厚紙板印刷上霧膜、燙玫瑰金  
年份 / 2020

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巧克力童趣森林 Chocolate Forest |Packaging Illustration

巧克力童趣森林 Chocolate Forest |Packaging Illustration
