Profiel van Gunupuru Vamsi

Strong Prompts i have worked on ChatGpt

Some of the Strong Prompts that i have worked on ChatGpt to get more feasible and Exact outputs for our Questions in various Topics and categories.
Once you know how to write ChatGPT prompts, you’ll be able to achieve more accurate outputs more quickly.

Strong Prompts for Ecommerce

1.Recommend complementary products that go well with a customer’s recent purchase of [item]. 
2.Provide a step-by-step guide on how to set up Google Tag Manager (GTM) to track Facebook Custom Conversion events triggered by a callback button click using JavaScript.
3.Craft an upbeat 50-word product description for [insert product information].
4.Create a friendly chat message for [company name] to explain our hassle-free return policy: [insert return policy].
5.Modify the product titles in the provided list by adding keywords [insert keywords] where appropriate.
6.Write a persuasive email to encourage customers to sign up for our newsletter and receive exclusive discounts, product updates, and insider tips. [Insert supplementary information]
7.Develop a marketing campaign for [product/service], including strategies for social media promotion, email marketing, and influencer collaborations.
8.Write a compelling call-to-action (CTA) button copy similar to “Shop Now,” “Add to Cart,” or “Get Yours Today!”
9.Generate a list of [number] FAQs with answers for our customer support team.
10.Develop a loyalty program that rewards customers with points for their purchases, referrals, and social media engagement.
11.Act as an ecommerce merchandising expert. Create product collection descriptions for [brand]. [Insert brand information here]
12.Write an SMS campaign for our product [product information].
13.Craft ad copy for our product and optimize the copy for [social media channel] ads.
14.Come up with [number] ideas for newsletter sign-up CTAs.
15.Write a list of [number] of audience demographics that might want [product/service].
16.Write 10 Google Ads headline variations with only 30 characters. 
Strong Prompts for Developers

1.List [number] potential topics for beginners for a mobile app development course.
2.Provide [number] creative ideas for implementing animation effects in a web application.
3.Develop a flowchart for a software testing process on a large-scale project.
4.Suggest [number] ideas for a game development course engaging game developers.
5.Give me [number] ideas for incorporating the SOLID principles in my object-oriented design.
6.Suggest [number] ways to handle user authentication in a web application for improved security.
7.Describe [number] potential use cases for implementing machine learning algorithms in a data analysis application.
8.Write down [number] potential topics for a workshop on agile software development practices.
9.I want you to act as a brainstorming assistant and suggest [number] ideas for a coding challenge that will test the problem-solving skills of junior developers.
10.Can you give me [number] unique ideas for a user interface component that will enhance the user experience of a mobile app?
11.Develop a RESTful API for a customer management system using Node.js and Express.js.
12.Convert the following Python code to Java: [code snippet].
13.Make ChatGPT act as a code formatter. Provide the input code, and it should format it according to the language’s style conventions.
14.Generate sample data for testing a social media analytics platform. The data should include [insert parameters].
15.I want you to act as a software architecture consultant. I’m designing a scalable microservices-based system and need guidance on which architectural patterns and technologies to use.
Strong Prompts for User Experience (UX)

1.Generate a list of [number] user interface (UI) design requirements for a [product].
2.Develop a PDF typography style guide for a web application, including font families, sizes, and usage guidelines.
3.What are the key UI considerations I should consider when designing a navigation menu for an ecommerce website?
4.Generate a sample usability report for a competitor’s social media platform by analyzing this [user feedback] and identifying areas for improvement.
5.As a UX designer, what gamification techniques can I incorporate into a [app type] app?
6.How can I design a [industry] website in a way that conveys professionalism to potential clients?
7.What are some engaging micro-interactions to consider when designing a language learning mobile app?
8.Create an interactive wireframe prototype for a [industry] platform using a design tool of your choice.
9.Develop a user persona for a [app type] app targeting millennials and Gen Zs.
10.What are some best practices for designing accessible forms in web applications to ensure inclusivity for users with disabilities?
11.Create a text-based Excel sheet to collect and organize user feedback from usability testing sessions. Assume a team of [number] UX researchers.
12.How can I optimize the onboarding experience for a shopping app to increase user engagement and reduce drop-off rates?
13.Generate user flows for a [app type] app, covering scenarios such as [topics].
14.Generate survey questions to understand user preferences and needs for a new [messaging platform] for [remote teams].
15.Create a responsive checklist for [charts].
Strong Prompts for Data Science

1.Act as a data scientist and build a machine learning model for me. I have a dataset of customer churn data. Please create a model that predicts 2.customer churn using features such as [insert metrics]. [Insert data set]
3.Act as an automatic machine learning (AutoML) bot using TPOT. I’m working on a model that predicts credit card fraud. Provide Python code to identify the optimal classification model, aiming for the highest AUC score on the test dataset.
4.Can you help me train a [model name]? Please provide the Python code to tune the hyperparameters and predict [parameters].
5.Please write code for [subject] data visualization and exploration, including scatter plots, histograms, and correlation matrices.
6.I need a dataset with [number] rows and [number] columns. The columns should include “age,” “gender,” “income,” and “purchase history.” Please provide the dataset in CSV format.
7.Write a Python regex that matches email addresses. The regex should account for variations in domain names and handle common email formats.
8.Please build a machine-learning model that predicts [subject] based on historical data. Use the past year as the training period and the most recent month as the validation period.
9.I want you to act as a data scientist and perform feature engineering for a customer churn prediction model. The dataset contains customer [metrics]. Please write Python code to generate new features that could improve the model’s performance.
10.Can you help me implement a natural language processing (NLP) model? I have a dataset of customer reviews, and I want to classify them into positive and negative sentiment categories. Please provide the code for text preprocessing, feature extraction, and model training.
11.I need a dataset for sentiment analysis with [number] rows and [number] columns: “text” and “label” (positive/negative). Please generate the dataset in CSV format.
12.Write a Python script to scrape data from a website. The script should extract information such as [metrics/information] and save it in a structured format like [formatting code language].
13.Act as a data scientist and build a recommendation system for an ecommerce platform. The dataset contains user browsing and purchase history. Please write in Python code.
14.Can you help me perform dimensionality reduction on a high-dimensional dataset? Please write a structured query language (SQL) code to apply principal component analysis (PCA) and visualize the data in a reduced dimension space.
15.I have a dataset of customer transactions. Please write code to calculate various customer lifetime value (CLV) metrics, such as [metrics].
16.I want you to act as a programmer in [programming language]. Please simplify this code: [insert code].
Strong Prompts for Instructional Design/Learning and Development

1.List [number] potential topics for a leadership development course for mid-level managers or [other job title].
2.Provide [number] creative ideas for interactive activities for an online course on digital marketing.
3.Develop a mind map for a sales training program on practical communication skills.
4.Suggest ideas for an entrepreneurship course that would engage young entrepreneurs.
5.Give me ideas for incorporating the social learning theory in my instructional design for a team-building course.
6.Suggest [number] engaging ways to present complex information in a video tutorial for beginners [job title].
7.Write down [number] potential topics for a workplace diversity and inclusion training session.
8.I want you to act as a brainstorming assistant and suggest [number] ideas for a creativity workshop that will engage [job title].
9.Can you give me [number] unique ideas for a group discussion activity to support the problem-solving learning objective for [subject matter] students?
10.Structure an interactive infographic on time management skills that meets the learning objective of [learning objective].
11.Create an outline for a customer service training program on handling difficult customers in [industry/sector].
12.Rewrite the following sentence to make it easier to understand for readers: “The intricacies of quantum mechanics render its comprehension arduous for novices.”
13.Rewrite the content of our existing [topic] course to make it more engaging for entry-level professionals in the IT industry.
14.Help me design an assessment aligning with [standard] and measures [learning outcomes].
15.Describe [number] potential scenarios to use in case-based training on conflict resolution
Strong Prompts for Education and Teachers

1.Develop a project-based learning activity for high school students incorporating real-world problem-solving and critical thinking skills.
2.Create a study guide for [subject] that covers all [topics/concepts/formulas].
3.Design a hands-on science experiment that demonstrates the principles of [scientific concept].
4.Generate a list of 10 educational podcasts for students interested in [topic/subject].
5.Provide a step-by-step tutorial on how to solve quadratic equations using the quadratic formula.
6.Create a mind map that illustrates the interconnectedness of various historical events during a specific period.
7.Suggest five strategies for promoting active learning in a large classroom setting.
8.Design a group project for collaboration and problem-solving skills for middle school students.
9.Create a set of [number] flashcards to help students memorize vocabulary words in a foreign language.
10.Develop a rubric for assessing oral presentations in a public speaking class.
11.Write a test on [subject] covering [key points]. [Insert supplemental information]
12.Design an interactive online course module incorporating videos, quizzes, and interactive lessons to engage learners.
13.Create a list of 10 educational YouTube channels that cover a wide range of subjects for self-paced learning.
14.Develop a lesson plan on [topic]for high school students, covering topics like [topics].
15.Write a quiz with five multiple-choice questions on [topic].
Strong Prompts i have worked on ChatGpt


Strong Prompts i have worked on ChatGpt


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