Perfil de Gunupuru Vamsi

Strong Prompts that i have worked on in ChatGpt

Some of the Strong Prompts that i have worked on ChatGpt to get more feasible and Exact outputs for our Questions in various Topics and categories.
Once you know how to write ChatGPT prompts, you’ll be able to achieve more accurate outputs more quickly.

Strong Prompts for SEO

1.Write a 150-character max meta description on [topic]. (Copy and paste the article’s introduction so ChatGPT can pull from it.)
2.Write five FAQs with answers using these keywords [insert keywords].
3.Write 10 subheadings for a blog post titled [title].
4.Write schema markup with JSON and HTML code for the following [questions/topics/recipes].
5.Generate a list of at least 20 keywords related to [topic].
6.Summarize this article about X and link to it. [Insert article].
7.Create a keyword list for my SEO agency around [topic word or phrase] and cluster the 8.list based on the sales funnel, from top to bottom of the funnel keywords.
9.Create a list of high-authority websites in [industry].
10.List all the long-tail queries related to [keyword].
11.Create an outline for an article about [topic]. The brand voice is [description]. Start with [first section idea], then go into [second section idea], then finish with [last section idea].
12.Generate hreflang tags for a web page targeted to [country] in [language].
13.Create an XML sitemap including these urls [URLs].
14.Create a code to use the Google Search Console API to index all of my webpages, not just a sample of 1,000.
15.Generate a RegEx in RE2 syntax to [description] for Google Search Console.
Suggest five blog post title ideas for the primary keyword [keyword] for [targeted audience].
Strong Prompts for Marketers

1.Create a LinkedIn post under 150 words using this [insert copy here].
2.Create an Instagram carousel with [number] slides using this [insert copy].
3.Write persuasive Google Ad copy for a campaign targeting [keyword], focusing on our product [product name], using this [insert information about the product or campaign].
4.Craft an email to customers for [company] who haven’t purchased from us in [number of months]. Include this offer [offer details].
5.Write [number] CTA messages about [insert material here]. I want [number] combinations of one header and one subheading.
6.Write a 60-second YouTube script for [product or service name] using [insert information here] about the company.
7.Write my weekly newsletter, including [number] headings and [number] two-to-three-sentence paragraphs about [insert content here].
8.Come up with [number] YouTube video ideas for [company] about [topic].
9.Turn the data below into a case study with the following format: (1) Challenge (2) Solution (3) Result. Data: [paste data]
10.Create a landing page copy for a limited-time discount on [product or service]. Use [number] header combinations with the following product features [insert product feature list].
11.Propose a referral program to incentivize existing customers to refer our [product or service] to their networks.
12.Suggest [number] compelling taglines for a new brand campaign for [product] targeting [specific demographic].
13.Design a lead magnet or downloadable resource to attract potential customers to our website [website URL]. Here is information about our product to help you: [insert product information].
14.Create the structure for an infographic highlighting the key benefits of our [product or service]. Here is information about our product to help you: [insert product information].
15.Come up with [number] Instagram Story ideas for [company name] relevant to [target audience] using a brand voice that is [brand voice].
Strong Prompts for Content Creation

1.Write an introduction for a blog post on [topic] using the following keywords: [keywords].
2.Develop a step-by-step tutorial video on [topic] for our YouTube channel. Include the following info: [insert additional information here].
3.Craft a content calendar with [number] blog post ideas, including these keywords [insert keywords]. Spread the blog posts out across 3 months.
4.Create a checklist for conducting market research before launching a new product or service.
5.Generate a list of 10 thought-provoking discussion questions for a blog post about [topic].
6.Write a script for a podcast episode discussing the benefits of [topic].
7.Develop a whitepaper on [topic]. Keep it under [number of words]. Here is the information to help: [insert additional information here].
8.Write a series of email newsletters providing tips and tricks for [topic].
9.Rewrite this bulleted list to start with the same [part of speech].
10.Rewrite this paragraph as a bulleted list.
11.Summarize this expert interview. [Insert interview]
12.Write a short DM to [creator/business] that persuades them to partner with me for [topic]. Include two to three reasons why it makes sense for us to partner together. Here is information on this creator: [insert information]
13.Trim this content down to fewer than [X sentences/words/characters].
14.Rewrite this paragraph for clarity.
15.For WordPress: Write HTML hyperlinks for these header 2s [insert headers] with header tags.
Strong Prompts for Social Media Marketing

1.Structure an attention-grabbing Instagram carousel post highlighting [insert brand/product features].
2.Create a Twitter thread featuring tips and tricks for [insert topic]. Include this information: [insert information].
3.Write a Facebook post inviting followers to share [topic].
4.Craft a short LinkedIn post about [topic/keyword]. Use this supplementary information: [insert a paragraph here].
5.Create a Pinterest pin description dedicated to [topic] and [features].
6.Create [number] LinkedIn polls about [insert topics].
7.Write a short social media post for [social media channels] explaining our holiday hours are [insert times] but letting people know they can shop online.
8.Generate [number] post ideas for [social media platforms] for a [company industry] company, focusing on [company-related topics]. Create [number] Pinterest board ideas for a [company type] company.
9.Write a [social media channel] post sharing this inspiring customer success story and how our [product or service] made a positive impact: [insert customer story].
10.Develop a series of LinkedIn posts sharing industry insights and thought leadership on emerging marketing trends in [topic]. Here’s a list of trends to get started [trends list].
11.Write a TikTok biography for my company. Here’s information about my company [insert information here].
12.Create a TikTok video idea demonstrating [topic].
13.Write a LinkedIn post promoting our new ebook about [topic]. Describe this in [word count] words or less and include this URL: [website URL].
14.Rewrite this blog post section as an Instagram caption: [insert paragraph].
Strong Prompts for Advertising

1.Create an advertising campaign about [product/service] targeting [target audience]. Include [number] messages and slogans and choose the best 2.promotional media channels based on our product offering. [Insert supplemental information]
3.Develop a comprehensive advertising campaign strategy for launching a new product in the market. Here’s our product information: [insert product information]
4.Create a catchy slogan for a [industry] brand that encapsulates their brand identity and motivates potential customers. Here are their brand voice guidelines [insert brand guidelines].
5.Write a persuasive 30-second radio script for [product/service/brand], highlighting their current promotions. [Insert information about product/promotion]
6.Propose creative ideas for a viral marketing campaign that generates buzz and engages users on social media platforms.
7.Develop a storyboard for a TV commercial that showcases the benefits and usage of [product/service] targeting [target audience].
8.Provide descriptions for a series of online banner ads for an ecommerce website, promoting their seasonal sale with compelling visuals and call-to-action messages. [Insert supplemental information]
9.Create a targeted advertising strategy to reach and engage a specific demographic for [product/service].
10.Write a script for a YouTube pre-roll ad that grabs viewers’ attention within the first five seconds and drives them to take action. [Insert supplemental information]
11.Propose innovative influencer marketing collaborations for a [product/service] to increase brand awareness and customer acquisition.
12.Develop a buyer persona for a [interest] enthusiast who enjoys attending [event type].
13.Suggest [number] strategies for lead generation in [market] and [industry].
14.Write a 15-second advertisement script about [product/service].
List common challenges faced by [insert buyer persona description].
15.Write a script for a YouTube post-roll ad that ends with a compelling CTA for [product/service].
Strong Prompts for Sales

1.Develop a compelling sales pitch for a potential customer highlighting the unique features and benefits of our [product/service]. Here is information about our product/service: [insert information]
2.Write a follow-up email to a lead who has shown interest in our [product/service], addressing any concerns they may have and offering additional information.
3.Create a persuasive sales script for a telemarketing campaign to generate leads for our [niche] company.
4.Develop a personalized proposal for a potential client, outlining the specific solutions our [product/service] can provide to address their pain points. Here are their pain points: [pain points list]
5.Generate a list of objection-handling techniques to overcome common customer concerns during sales.
6.Write a cold email sequence for nurturing partnerships.
7.Develop a referral program for existing customers to incentivize them to refer their contacts to our [niche] company.
8.Create a sales presentation deck highlighting the advantages and ROI of our [product/service] for a [industry] client at [company name].
9.Write a LinkedIn message template for reaching out to prospects in a specific industry [industry].
10.Develop a competitive analysis report comparing our [product/service] with top competitors, highlighting our unique selling points and market advantages. Here is a list of our competitors with their main features [insert competitors with features]
11.Create a lead qualification questionnaire with [number] questions for sales representatives to evaluate and prioritize potential prospects.
12.Write a sales script for a product demonstration video showcasing the main features and benefits of our [product/service].
13.Develop a strategic follow-up plan for nurturing leads who have shown initial interest but haven’t made a purchase yet for [product/service].
14.Create a customer retention strategy that includes personalized offers, loyalty programs, and proactive communication.
15.Develop a sales playbook outlining the step-by-step process, key selling points, and objection-handling techniques for our sales team. [Insert supplemental information]
Strong Prompts for Customer Service

1.Develop a step-by-step guide on handling angry customers, including [number] de-escalation techniques and conflict resolution strategies.
2.Write an email response to a customer inquiry regarding product availability, providing them with alternative options and suggestions. Here is information about the product/service [insert information].
3.Create a customer service script for handling billing inquiries, including how to address billing discrepancies and process refunds if necessary.
4.Develop [number] guidelines for creating personalized customer experiences, emphasizing the importance of active listening.
5.Write a live chat response to assist a customer named [customer name] in troubleshooting a technical issue with [problem], providing clear instructions and links to relevant resources.
6.Create a template to respond to customer feedback or reviews, demonstrating appreciation for their input and outlining the steps to address their concerns.
7.Write [number] FAQs addressing common questions and concerns about our product or service [product/service information]. Include answers as well.
8.Write a social media response to a customer complaint about our [product/service]. [Insert information about the product/service]. Here is the complaint: [customer complaint].
9.Create a template for proactive customer outreach for [company name] in [industry].
10.Develop a guide on effective cross-selling and upselling techniques, including identifying and presenting relevant product suggestions to customers.
11.Write a script for a service phone call to assist a customer in navigating our online ordering system.
12.Create a template for addressing shipping delays or order tracking inquiries.
13.Write a response to a customer request for a refund outside of our refund policy, offering alternative solutions such as [insert solutions here].
14.Create a customer satisfaction survey template, including key questions.
15.What are cross-selling strategies I can use for this [industry]?
Strong Prompts that i have worked on in ChatGpt
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Strong Prompts that i have worked on in ChatGpt

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