Evie Lewis's profile

Last Stop: Automating Temp Housing For Asylum Seekers

1. Project Overview​​​​​​​
The purpose of this app is to help refugees and immigrants find housing, whether temporarily or permanently, during their transition to the united states. Since this is a sensitive and intense issue, all information and decisions should be influenced by the users interviewed. 

Problem Statement
An asylum seeker needs to find housing that fits their familial needs before arriving in the United States to avoid homelessness. However, it is difficult to find high-quality or personalized resources that explain the best way to do so.

Design Principles
Relationship: genuine relationships
Middle ground: Find a language that works for both parties
Welcome Home: Move them into a new home
2. Solution
The best solution was to create a mobile app that would connect United States base social workers with asylum seekers that are in the process of moving to America.
3. Process
Research                                               Architecture                         Prototype 
- Competitive Analysis                           - Sitemap                             - Wireframes
                                                              - Design Systems                 - High Fidelity
                                                              - User Flow
4. Research Competitive Analysis
Potential Contexts
What are some contexts this app would be used in? 
- I imagine this app being used in places of transportation like airports, train stations, etc. 
- At home
- In an environment like the library or a place that has access to the internet

Do these environments require special features?
- All of these environments require an app that doesn’t take too much from the phone’s battery
- A simple, but clean interface that doesn’t distract from the resources
- An option to toggle between languages 
- Quick and easy way to access the account

If so, what are they? Why?
- These features are necessary because asylum seekers are most likely on the move, and don’t have too much time to invest in learning the app or maneuvering through the app
5. Lo-fi

Guiding Questions

- Does this format add additional stress to the user?
- Do any processes or features potentially discriminate the user (e.g., age, disabilities, language options)?
- Are there any unnecessary tabs or pages that could take away from the user's experience?
- Can this app be easily navigated during a stressful situation?
7. Notes For Thought
Having worked with asylum seekers and American citizens seeking repatriation to the United States, I learned about how anxiety plays a massive role in making decisions. As a researcher with formal psychology education, the solution to minimizing anxiety is both simplicity and company.

Simplicity is important it makes an anxious mind focus on one thing versus the various thoughts that are moving a mile per minute. In UX, simplicity could look like keeping the amount of questions asked during enrollment to a maximum of 4-6, or keeping the maximum of screens encountered between 5-8.

Company is important because of the feeling of solidarity that comes with it. Since this app requires social workers and human interaction, the user is able to engage in conversation that actively combats the anxiety surrounding their situation.
Hi, I'm Evie, and these are my values:
Background: Bachelor's degree in public policy and social justice, and a master's degree in forensic psychology.
Experience: Over 7 years working with startup CEOs and in the social services space.

Core Values:
     -Analytical Skills: Leveraging psychology, research methodologies, and coding to understand user behavior and preferences.
     -User-Centered Approach: Conducting in-depth research through interviews, usability testing, surveys, and observations to uncover deep insights and inform empathetic design decisions.
     -Effective Communication: Fostering open and effective communication with design teams and research participants to ensure accurate understanding and alignment with user needs.
     -Problem-Solving and Design Thinking: Applying critical thinking and creativity to define research questions, develop innovative solutions, and meet user needs.
     -Real-World Impact: Utilizing experience working with startup CEOs and in the social services space to address unique challenges and create solutions that make a positive impact on users' lives.

Last Stop: Automating Temp Housing For Asylum Seekers


Last Stop: Automating Temp Housing For Asylum Seekers



Creative Fields