Profil von Rhylee Breslin

E-Commerce Website: PowerUp Plants

E-Commerce Website: PowerUp Plants
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For this project, I was tasked with creating a full e-commerce website with the business being a creative company of my choosing. I decided on PowerUp Plants, a company that grows and sells plants from various videogames. 

Before I began coding the website, I planned the pages I needed to create with a sitemap. The sitemap went through multiple versions, but I ended up deciding on this plan. The sitemap shows all the pages I needed to create, as well as the connections between them.

PowerUp Logo:
Next, I needed a logo for my company. I brainstormed ideas with multiple sketches, but the main elements I kept to was plants and or arrows. Ultimately, I used the first concept in the fourth row for the logo. However, when creating the logo in Adobe Illustrator, I ended up not using the plant pot and focused on the plant and arrow for the logo.

Web Pages:
Since I needed to make a full e-commerce website, there are many pages in this website. They range from the home, products, checkout, to login. Each page uses multiple different elements and formats to achieve the page's goal, but they have also have repeated elements that make the entire website cohesive.

Additional Mockups:
E-Commerce Website: PowerUp Plants


E-Commerce Website: PowerUp Plants
