Profil von Muhammad Mahrous

SAMSUNG TV | Where Every Frame Tells a Story

To highlight the immersive experience and exceptional features of Samsung Curved Screen 4K TVs.
Target Audience
Tech-savvy consumers, entertainment enthusiasts, and anyone seeking an unparalleled viewing experience.
Key Message
Samsung TVs, Where Every Frame Tells a Story.


Emphasize the immersive and cinematic experience offered by Samsung Curved Screen 4K TVs.
Highlight the key features such as vibrant colors, sharp resolution, and the immersive curve. Connect the concept to storytelling and evoke emotions associated with memorable viewing experiences.

Art Direction

Visual Elements
Utilize high-resolution images and videos to showcase the stunning picture quality of Samsung Curved Screen 4K TVs. Incorporate vibrant colors and dynamic compositions to capture attention. Emphasize the curvature of the screen to convey the immersive viewing experience.

Choose a sleek and modern font for the slogan and any accompanying text. Ensure readability and scalability for various advertising formats.

​​​​​​​Integrate the Samsung logo prominently but tastefully within the visual layout. Maintain consistency with Samsung's brand colors and design elements.

Outdoor Campaign

City streets, where the vibrant colors and immersive experience stand out amidst the urban environment. Busy intersections or public squares, capturing the attention of passersby. High-traffic areas near shopping centers, cinemas, or entertainment venues to target the desired audience.

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SAMSUNG TV | Where Every Frame Tells a Story


SAMSUNG TV | Where Every Frame Tells a Story
