Case Study
The Partner of the Year
Elastic, the leading platform for search-powered solutions, was awarded as Google’s Partner of the Year. To celebrate, they needed to create amazing videos to communicate how this partnership set them at the forefront of innovation, creating unparalleled value for customers.
With this content, Elastic effectively communicated their powerful message about the integration of their technology with Google Cloud services. What could have been complex concepts were transformed into videos that appealed to their audience.
We produced four engaging videos that enhanced and showcased the brand's unique identity. These main videos were split into digestible segments for use on social media platforms.
The Story
Elastic, the leading platform for search-powered solutions, was recognized as Google's Partner of the Year. This eminent partnership put them at the forefront of innovation, creating unparalleled value for customers.
To celebrate this achievement, Elastic needed to create compelling videos to communicate their innovative edge. But how do you transform complex concepts into engaging content? This is where our expertise came into play.
Our mission was to produce content that not only communicated Elastic's powerful message about the integration of their technology with Google Cloud services but did so in a way that appealed to their audience. This was no small task, as the concepts involved were complex and had the potential to be overwhelming.
But how do you transform complex concepts into engaging content?
This is where our expertise came into play.
We rose to the challenge, creating four engaging videos that enhanced and showcased Elastic's unique identity. The videos took what could have been complex and made it accessible, transforming it into content that was easily digestible and appealing to the audience.
In alignment with the company's commitment to embrace diversity as one of its core values, we set a goal to incorporate and celebrate this in our videos. For this reason, we sought the collaboration of voice-over artists who identify as non-binary gender. We believe that by doing so, we are not only promoting diversity but also enriching our content by showcasing a multitude of voices and perspectives.
These main videos were then split into digestible segments for use on social media platforms, further extending their reach and impact. The result was a powerful narrative that effectively communicated the benefits of Elastic's partnership with Google Cloud.
From style frames to motion design, video/audio editing, VO artist booking, and captioning, we provided a full range of services to bring this project to life. The outcome was a set of videos that not only celebrated Elastic's achievement but also showcased the value they offer to their customers through their partnership with Google.
PCHStudio was an amazing animation partner on Elastic's Google Cloud video series. They were extremely organized, easy to work with, and creative with fierce attention to detail around our brand and needs. I highly recommend them!
Tasha Hardy, Head of Video & Animation
In the end, we were not just telling a story;
we were telling the story of a partner leading the way in innovation, and doing it in a way that resonated with the audience.
This is the work of a great team:

Storyboard / frames:
Anibal Maiz, Arturo Magaña
Motion Design:
Osvaldo Chávez, Luis Sanchéz
Post Production:
Arturo Magaña
Art Direction / Production:
Javier Reyes
Create emotional connections with your audience
in a concise and visually appealing way. Let's create together!
The Partner of The Year
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